Frequently Asked Questions

Who are the AFFIRM Trainings for?

All AFFIRM trainings are for service providers (in general, mental health practitioners). AFFIRM Youth or AFFIRM Adult trainings are typically attended by clinicians with some experience with LGBTQ+ populations, cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) and group interventions. AFFIRM interventions equip practitioners to deliver these affirmative CBT groups to youth or adult participants respectively. AFFIRM Caregiver trainings equip service providers to deliver an affirmative and compassionate group to parents and caregivers of LGBTQ+ youth.

What level of education do you need to deliver AFFIRM interventions?

Clinicians who are providing AFFIRM interventions should ideally hold a Masters level degree or higher and work in a helping profession such as:

  • social work

  • mental health therapy

  • psychology

  • mar​riage and family therapy

Are paraprofessionals and school counselors  (i.e. Bachelor's level) able to participate and deliver interventions?

We appreciate that those with many levels of experience want to deliver AFFIRM groups. We have found that paraprofessionals may not always have the clinical training or experience that is required to successfully lead AFFIRM groups. However, in some cases clinicians with BSW or other bachelor's level degrees have the necessary clinical experience to make them a good fit for the training and for co-facilitating AFFIRM groups. We are happy to answer any questions!

What can I expect in an AFFIRM training?

Each training is a 3-day (5.5 hours per day) virtual training with typically a maximum of 18 people. We keep our trainings small to ensure a high quality, interactive, learning experience with multiple opportunities to build skills and ask specific questions. Participants must attend the full course and complete all hours of training in order to receive a certificate of completion. For more information see our policies.

Please note that AFFIRM trainings are not passive experiences! All participants are expected to have cameras and microphones on and to actively participate in small and large group activities (e.g., role playing, simulations, break out activities).

What resources and materials are part of the AFFIRM training?

All participants will receive a pre- and post-training package that includes:

  • Access to academic research forming the evidence base for AFFIRM interventions

  • A facilitator manual and workbook

  • Resource lists

  • Implementation and evaluation guides and tools

  • Social media toolkit

  • Certificate of completion from Affirmative Research

Who can deliver the AFFIRM Youth AFFIRM Adult and AFFIRM Caregiver interventions?

AFFIRM interventions can only be delivered by facilitators who have completed an official AFFIRM training. For more information please see our policies.

Can staff who are trained in AFFIRM facilitate an AFFIRM group with support staff who are not trained in AFFIRM?

AFFIRM trained staff may work with support staff that are not trained in AFFIRM, but in order to ensure the quality and outcomes of the AFFIRM intervention, supporting staff who are not trained should only have a logistical, supporting role and not deliver the AFFIRM content.  Based on our research, we strongly suggest having two trained facilitators to ensure mental health improvement. 

Can I learn to deliver the AFFIRM training?

​The creators of the AFFIRM interventions (Dr. Shelley Craig & Dr. Ashley Austin) are currently the only instructors qualified to train service providers in the AFFIRM models. However, we are working hard to develop a “Train the Trainer” process for therapists/practitioners who demonstrate an understanding and commitment to the AFFIRM interventions.

Are participants trained in AFFIRM Youth AND AFFIRM Caregiver at the same time?

No, AFFIRM Youth and AFFIRM Caregiver are two distinct interventions. Each one of them requires a 3-day interactive training and has its own separate intervention manual, participant workbook and evidence base.

We do offer a 10% discount to returning participants who have already taken one AFFIRM training. If this applies to you, please contact us for a discount code before you sign up for your second training.

Will you hold a spot for someone if they are seeking reimbursement from their organization?

Registrations are first come, first served until trainings are at capacity (max 18 people). But we can hold a spot for a limited time if the training is not at capacity and there is no waiting list. Connect with us and we will try to help!

Can I receive professional education credits for taking an AFFIRM training?

Yes. When you register for an AFFIRM training you can select the option to get Continuing Education Units (CEUs). Our AFFIRM-Youth training qualifies for 12.50 continuing education units (CEUs) and our AFFIRM-Caregiver training qualifies for 14.50 continuing education units through the University of Connecticut School of Social Work.

Our CEUs are applicable for most mental health providers (Licensed Clinical Social Workers, Licensed Mental Health Counsellors, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapists, and Licensed Psychologists). To be certain however, individuals are advised to check with their specific licensing boards to ensure they accept the CEUs that are provided for the AFFIRM trainings.

The University of Connecticut School of Social Work is approved by the Connecticut Department of Public Health to provide continuing education credits for social workers. The School is accredited by the Council on Social Work Education. The University of Connecticut is accredited by the New England Association of Schools and Colleges, Inc. through its Commission on Institutions of Higher Education.

Is it possible to have a dedicated AFFIRM training for service providers at my organization?

Yes! We offer organizational trainings for all of our AFFIRM interventions. Similar to our general public trainings these are 3-day (5.5 hours per day) virtual trainings for a maximum of 18 people. Training elements and discussions are tailored to address the unique contexts of each organization.

Our instructors work to schedule the training at a time that works for each organization.

How far in advance do I need to book an organizational training? 

We are a small training organization and our trainers are very busy! While we will do our best to offer your training at a time that works for you, please note that organizational trainings should be booked a few months in advance. Do you have an urgent funding deadline? We can help! Payment is required in advance of the training and we can work with you to meet your deadlines.

Do you recommend administrative staff participate in AFFIRM trainings (i.e. managers or directors)? 

We have found that having supervisors (with a clinical background) attend and participate in AFFIRM trainings can be very helpful for organizations as they work toward large scale implementation.

Do you provide coaching or mentorship to AFFIRM trained clinicians who are working to implement the AFFIRM interventions?

Yes! We offer 1-hour coaching and mentorship sessions for clinicians who are trained in AFFIRM and are looking for specific support as they implement the AFFIRM interventions. Are you looking for implementation support? Please contact us and we will schedule some coaching sessions for you! 

Do you offer discounts or sliding scale for lower income clients?

Unfortunately, as a small enterprise we are not able to significantly discount courses. Some of our participants have found helpful funding support through their own agencies or institutions who have funding available for professional development. Please reach out if you have a specific question and we are happy to try to help on a case by case basis.

Can the AFFIRM curriculum be used as a general CBT curriculum?

Yes it can as long as it is being used with LGBTQ+ populations

Do you offer trainings in time slots that work for International clients in different time zones?

Depending on the time zone requirements we will do our best to try to accommodate a range of schedules. Our general public trainings tend to be scheduled at times that are more convenient for clinicians in North America. However, we are always happy to work with organizations that can fill up a training within their time zone/country.